Monday, January 9, 2017

3RD EYE: The Third Is Faster And More Powerful Than Any SuperComputer Will Ever Be.
The body of the 2-strand electro-magnetic DNA ape running a Body-Brain (integrated circuit)-Mind-Antenna-Modem has no powers. Its brain is limited to 5% activation and 97 of its genetic code is disable. It is the results of the most advanced technology, yet, the apes are far too dangerous  to have access to such advanced technology. Hence the limitations.  However, the 3rd eye is not the Body-Brain-Mind-Modem-Antenna and every soul has the right to access, providing the soul abandons every single evil intention.

This young disciple of Swami Nithayananda has acessed her 3rd eye.

Everything written, seen, heard/said and spoken  is fictitious, manipulative, illusion and mind control by the evil to  keep your brain dead. YOU MUST HAVE THE EXPERIENCE…

 Mind-brain-antenna-modem is remotely controlled wireless beings. The truth and subsequent knowledge is acessible onlly by and through the heart chakra (third eye, soul, consciouness)
1.   Brain-Mind-Antenna-Modem from a server like Saturn.
The electro-biological eyes do not, cannot and will not see. The electro-biological body does not have eyes. That we call eyes are  scanners which absorbs
reflections of  light (photon) waves which in turn are processed by the wireless and remotely mind-antenna-modem and not by the neurons of the heart. The consequence is not unlike a computer screen in the dark world of the artificial antenna-mind-brain-modem(integrated circuit).
2. So who sees? Only the heart sees without light, speaks without sound and hears without sound without distortion.
2.1. Hence the futility of over 8-billion neurons of the mind for this consequent handicap.
Everything complex becomes mythological and God created simplification.
2.2. Also every religious mind is a failure. No religious person succeeds. It’s why they have
turned into land grabbers.
2.2.1. PROOF: Their current paper debt is over Us$152-trillion and unpayable. (2015.10.) By January of 2017, the current world debt towers Us$217-trillion.
TRANSLATION: All major banks and corporations are bankrupt in the US, EU, China and Japan.
 2.3. Because, the over 40,000-neurons of the heart is a restricted area from the evil-intenioned.
Access to the neurons of the heart is and can only be accessible
when evil intentions are completely and 100% destroyed. You can't fool around here.
 2.4. Heart is the residence of God and not the evil mind of religious cartels.
 3.0. You must have experience since everything seen, heard/said and written is fictious
and must be discarded
1.1.   Experience cannot be shared in writing, speech (sound) or visuals(photon). It can only be
1.2.    shared by the connectivity of the heart, your own heart, now hijacked by the remotely controlled wireless evil Mind-Brain-Modem-Antenna.
 4.0. Only the heart chakra will acesss you to the truth, the consciousness and the whole universe.
5. All and every instituion, organization of the human ape backstabber is irrelevalent in this universe because planet earth is a reformatory for the dangerous, the violent and the savages.  6. An ape may be cute, until it is empowered by genetic engineering of 22+1 chromosomes.
7. Everybody back stabs everybody which is an endemic feature of the ape and not a feature of any other animal on earth.

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