Sunday, December 10, 2017

Increase Your Oxygen Level By 300%

Every thing and being is born of Brahma unweighted* (fire-Solid State Electro Magnetic energy) until for some reason or the other, it comes into contact with water  (atmosphere, liquids, humidity=Shiva). Hence the subsequent weighted matter or body.(Weighted densified energy)

Fire like each cell cannot survive within water. A cell (sonic geometry-chakra)lasts about 2-seconds and your water body drowns 10-trillion cells each day that end up as the dreaded mucosa in the pharynx zone (and the stomach) where it clogs the breathing ability, and consequent oxygen intake capacity. The result is most start breathing through their mouths in order to cope with their clogged pharnyx zone, which sends oxygen to the stomach to ferment with dairy and flesh foods.

Haritaki powder as well as medicinal tobacco snuff will degrease the pharynx zone and you won't believe in the results. Since haritaki powder is not available here, I use snuff three times a day.

To check your performance, you will be no different than a 15-year old in agility except for the fact that an adult weighs more. And you will start breathing only through your nose.

Since oxygen is the real power source, food is secondary. Your diet should be limited to whole wheat+ghee+honey+fruits+vegetables.

Never consume dairy. Ghee is purified butter and only ghee can be consumed from dairy. Remember milk is pus.

*to understand weighted matter, consult your Planck chart.

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